Stainless Steel

At UEG we do exports of mainly 3 types of Stainless Steel in containers. At this
moment we are not accepting bulk load/ship load orders for Stainless steel. The
actual types that are out there and some of the most common stainless grades.
303/304 Stainless Steel: This is the most common type of stainless and 90-95%
of the time will be the one that you find in your daily scrapping routines. But both
of those metals have similar pricing and are made of similar metal percentages so
they can get mixed together in your pile.
This type of stainless is what you will find in many household appliances such as
grills, the outsides of fridges and ovens, and kitchen tools. Also used in coffee
316 Stainless Steel: This is worth more money then 303/304 because of the
higher nickel content inside of it. This stainless is generally used in the medical
industry because it has an even higher corrosion rate (corrosion=rust or
disintegration) and will last longer in an industry that is all about cleanliness.
Very rarely will you find 316 stainless in anything related to consumer products
inside of your home. Another common place that 316 stainless is used is in the high
temperature aviation industry. They generally spare no expense when it comes to
anything related to the military or aviation pieces and 316 is often used because of
its durability and resistance to heat.