Diammonium Phosphate

Di-ammonium Phosphate popularly known as DAP is a preferred fertilizer because it contains both Nitrogen and Phosphorus which are primary macro-nutrients and part of 18 essential plant nutrients. Fertilizer grade DAP Contains 18% Nitrogen and 46% Phosphorus (P2O5).. DAP is manufactured by reacting Ammonia with Phosphoric acid under controlled conditions in fertilizer plants.
Most concentrated phosphate-based fertilizer. It is perfect for any agriculture crop to provide full phosphorus nutrition throughout crop growth and development, as well as a starter dose of nitrogen and low sulphur.
It can be applied in autumn for tilling and in spring during sowing, as well as for pre-sowing cultivation. Dissolving in soil, it provides temporary alkalization of pH of the soil solution around the fertilizer granule, thus stimulating better uptake of phosphorus from the fertilizers on acid soils. Fertilizer’s sulphur also contributes to the better intake of nitrogen and phosphorus by plants.